GHG VIDEO GAME POWER RANKINGS [October]: The Chief Awakens.

Taking a note from sports publications such as CBS and ESPN, we've got this little new feature at GodHatesGeeks called the Power Rankings. What this means is that our nerd-clergy will rank the very best of 4 mediums of this year's popular geek culture, including movies, TV shows, video games, and comics (both Big 2 …

#EAE3 & #UBISOFTE3 ’14 [TrailerPorn]: From complete tease to hour-long ‘Siege’!

We bring you more because you're hungry. You're hungry for more E3. More video games. Here are all of the trailers, gameplay demos and more from today's pressers. Did EA continue being the "world's worst company" with their efforts today? Were the current-gen (formerly next-gen) teasers for Star Wars Battlefront, Mass Effect and Mirror's Edge …