#EAE3 & #UBISOFTE3 ’14 [TrailerPorn]: From complete tease to hour-long ‘Siege’!

We bring you more because you're hungry. You're hungry for more E3. More video games. Here are all of the trailers, gameplay demos and more from today's pressers. Did EA continue being the "world's worst company" with their efforts today? Were the current-gen (formerly next-gen) teasers for Star Wars Battlefront, Mass Effect and Mirror's Edge …

#XBOXE3 ’14 [TrailerPorn]: Microsoft ‘Cracking Down’ on all the BS!!!

It's here. E3. No more hype. Here are all of the trailers, gameplay demos and more from this morning's big show. Did the 2014 Xbox One E3 Press Conference make up for all of their buffoonery last year? What game impressed you the most? Does any of this entice you to buy an Xbox One? Are their …

ALIEN / TERMINATOR / BSG [Hero Complex Film Festival ’14]: Science Friction.

Hitting off the first of three nights of the Hero Complex Film Festival at the TCL Chinese 6 in sunny-lovely Los Angeles was a celebration of... BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (But please jump to our coverage of: Terminator/Terminator 2 or Alien/Aliens, if you insist...) This free-fan event featured the big screen appearance of the 2003 BSG miniseries that …