THE GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [Season 2, Episode 12]: Ghost of Tsushima.

There are a zillion video game podcasts out there, but this particular episode of The Geekdom Gamescast definitely dives deeper than just the game itself. With Ghost of Tsushima inspired by so much more than games (like Tenchu, Assassin's Creed, and the like), it was an easy call for your hosts Myke Ladiona and Travis …

THE GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [Season 2, Episode 11]: Gamescom 2020.

You know the deal. Within this worldwide crisis, it was no surprise to see a video game convention that hosted an attendance of 373,000 last year get canceled. E3 was canceled, and thus so was Gamescom. Or so we thought... While your boys Trav Moody and Myke Ladiona discuss the 2-hour commercial that was Opening …