#EAE3 & #UBISOFTE3 ’14 [TrailerPorn]: From complete tease to hour-long ‘Siege’!

We bring you more because you're hungry. You're hungry for more E3. More video games. Here are all of the trailers, gameplay demos and more from today's pressers. Did EA continue being the "world's worst company" with their efforts today? Were the current-gen (formerly next-gen) teasers for Star Wars Battlefront, Mass Effect and Mirror's Edge …

WATCH_DOGS [Review]: Everything but the Jump-Drive.

Ok, I’ve got to hurry / I’m contacting you from an unsecured line-- and it won’t take them long to find me / God, I hope this message transmits successfully... There’s a new horizon upon us, a digital horizon, where weaponry isn’t always razor-sharp or ballistic. Watch_Dogs is yet another free world, mission based, driving, shooting, …

E3 2014 [Press Conference Announcement]: Hunger Games.

It's the mosttt wonnnderrrfulll tiiiiiiiiiime of the yearrrrrr. No, not Christmas, you saps. But E3! Easily the Monsignor's "Comic-Con" -- and shout-out to our Templar Kight -- this 3-day Electronic Entertainment Expo showcases more exclusives than the Air Jordan household. If you think you know what games are going to be announced, demo'd and (most …