NJPW WRESTLE KINGDOM 16 [Night 1 Review]: Return of The Wrestler.

Pre-Show Rambo – 2/5 – The usual/usual far worse version of the Royal Rumble silliness, but some cool surprises, including Stronghearts’ CIMA and the legend Tatsumi Fujinami. Sho vs. Yoh – 2.5-2.75/5 – This feud only gets 12-minutes? What is this, WWE? 😃 Hiroshi Tanahashi, Ryusuke Taguchi, & Rocky Romero vs. Bullet Club (Kenta, El …

THE GHGAMER AWARDS [Best Video Games of 2021]: Power Your Dreams.

1. Returnal (PS5) – This is both critically and personally my GOTY 2021. Its sound design, smooth gunplay, diverse environments, eerie music, and ambiguous narrative all made this game feel new generation. Of all the games with dual sense and 3d audio integration, Returnal by far makes the best use of it. Most importantly, it’s …

A TOY (Pre-Order) KINDA MOOD [Moody List]: Action Figure Release Dates.

Tell me, fellow toy-heads, you're probably wondering how many damned action figure pre-orders you've placed, right? Worse, you're probably wondering how much you've got evaporating your bank account to ash for the next.. oh.. 8-9.. years.. amiright? Well, this personal list of Moody pre-orders might just help--you cry. But it might otherwise help your realize …